Drew Sinton: Owner & Operator of the Haunted Bookshop


Drew Sinton is the owner and operator of the Haunted Bookshop. Tucked away in a hidden alley within the Melbourne CBD, Drew opened up to us as we conducted an interview with the infamous man himself.

As we walked towards his beloved bookshop, the skies started to darken as if a sign from the otherworld. Drew was in his corner behind the counter, sipping away on tea.

As we introduced ourselves and were preparing our equipment for the interview, Drew asked if we would like to utilize his smoke machine for added effect. Unable to turn down such an offer, we gladly agreed and the beginning of a great interview took place.

His rendition of Edgar Allan Poe's "The Raven" started the interview as he began to give us an insight into why he loves the supernatural and dark arts so much. His interview is a tiny glimpse into the Paranormal Tribe we have researched and explored over the past few weeks. It seems that not all of the paranormal community is hell bent (excuse the pun) on proving the existence of spirits. Sinton's view is far more  romantic aspect of the paranormal focusing on the story behind the legend.

Approaches to the Supernatural Masculine/Feminine


Throughout the duration of this project we have embarked on an exploration of the world paranormal enthusiasts, and as such have been investigating and profiling people’s attitudes and passions regarding what is best described as phenomena that remains unexplained by established scientific theory. 

Our interview with Drew Sinton (owner of The Haunted Bookshop and conductor of Melbourne Ghost Tours) was an enlightening one. A long time supernatural enthusiast whose interest was initially sparked by a passion for English literature, Drew openly embraces the more theatrical, mysterious, Romantic attitude towards the occult, revelling in the inexplicable and the stories that are evoked, rather than attempting to explain them scientifically.

One of his main contentions during the interview is recognition of two oppositional emotional approaches towards the paranormal that he has encountered through conducting his Ghost Tours and running the Bookshop. On the one hand, he describes a very masculine, rational approach that is sceptical and derisive, demanding quantifiable proof or a document the ‘reality’ of these phenomena. This is evident in the attitude adopted by the makers of shows such as Ghosthunters and Paranormal Investigations, whose protagonists are predominantly alpha-male thrill-seekers wielding a plethora of scientific gadgets and gauges in a quest for undeniable documented proof.  On the other hand, Drew describes the feminine approach, with an intuitive acceptance of the indefineable nature of the supernatural, an emotionally driven indulgence and appreciation of the inherently mysterious for what it is. 

This is not to say that our chosen Tribe (Paranormal Network) is at odds with each other, it merely demonstrates the diversity of personal approach and expression of energy enthusiasm (either actively masculine or passively feminine) between the varying members.